Friday, November 21, 2003

I've already told a few of you the not very funny story of my detroit ambassador bridge border crossing involving an unco-operative rental car, way too much caffeine and an easily alarmed border guard- yes I had my ticket in my money belt)... got lost in detroit for over an hour on 10 mile road (which has an east and a west but no middle)... as for the show, my 13 year old self was screaming while my much older self kind of looked on in self-concious amusement (it seemed to be that way for many of us in the audience, esp. those who gathered outside the club after the show- my excuse being that I had nowhere else to be and had parked the car nearby- waiting for the band to come outside (a little glimpse of Andy & Simon LeBon below), it was a thrill regardless and I am so glad I was there! I brought back some red bull, which only became a problem when I found myself, with pupils dialated, still awake in the hotel at 4am. pictures from Detroit:

and Sunday night, I ended up at the biermarket at the esplanade in TO at "80's night" hosted by the exceptionally sweet gord deppe, formerly of the spoons, & his new band (except for the surprising cover of 7 nation army it was, as he said, "an awful lot of 80's")... thankfully I eventually managed to escape the sleazy birthday-celebrating lawyer with disturbingly abbreviated glasses & his former classmate who lives across the street & works for Pfizer (& shouldn't really be telling strangers in bars about his experiences with illicit pharmaceuticals or about his sexual exploits), and had my bar tab covered by the band (strange but nice) :


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