Sunday, July 25, 2004

Friday: holy shroud/underpressure (?), Saturday: khyber techno-derby smash-a-thon-


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Great photos as usual. But where are the hundreds of photos you took of the Under Pressure guy after he took his pants off???!! Your camera was going off like a strobe light! Boxer shorts boy is probably being used as your desktop picture. heh.

ps - you should shoot the Pop Explosion this year. errrr...I mean, if they don't hire me that is. :^P

4:16 p.m.  
Blogger kat said...

you *told* me you were going to say that! honestly, I have no boxer/brief pictures on my desktop, not of this band anyway ;) see you at xiu xiu tonight?

6:19 p.m.  

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