Sunday, February 29, 2004

as I'm frantically trying to arrange the last of my trip (& the terrible mullet-y last minute haircut was *not* the best of ideas really) I've been informed that Mark E. Smith has sustained some injuries (broken leg) so Bristol is out (if I can un-cancel my train to London) and I'm left with a ticket to yet another postponed show that will be impossible to attend. anyway, here's a list of things I might need while away, bear with me (and something secret (lkpQme1S & 498280):
travel:virgin trains, eurostar, more trains, national express bus, uk mapquest
tickets/shows: ticketweb, wayahead, artrocker , barfly, notting hill arts club,
hostels: london hostels, HI,glasgow backpackers (mar 2), bristol backpackers (mar 3,4), ashlee house london (mar 5-7), hotel france_albion (mar 8) , smart camden (mar 9)
other london: other travel info
messageboard kids: pete babyshambles, libs .org, interpolny libs at .nr
other:rogers text message


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