Friday, February 20, 2004

power still on, blizzard still rages, no sign of the street plow... the store was closed today but tomorrow? I hope the buses are running at least. Peter R called from Montreal (to gloat about ff +1 & lack of snow;) and it looks like Pop Montreal is on for the last weekend of September (Flaming Lips, Mission of Burma and possibly the Pixies! but sshhh it's a secret so don't tell!) ... I've spent the day in unhealthiness: beer, day old pizza, a pan of fudge, the smiths, a bit of tv & far too much time on the internet (but most of the trip bookings are done now - it's like this: Glasgow, Bristol, London-Paris, London, Paris, London -no Dublin b/c there just isn't time, it's a 12 hr journey each way)...


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